56 research outputs found

    Optimizing Effort Parameter of COCOMO II Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method

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    Estimating the effort and cost of software is an important activity for software project managers. A poor estimate (overestimates or underestimates) will result in poor software project management. To handle this problem, many researchers have proposed various models for estimating software cost. Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II) is one of the best known and widely used models for estimating software costs. To estimate the cost of a software project, the COCOMO II model uses software size, cost drivers, scale factors as inputs. However, this model is still lacking in terms of accuracy. To improve the accuracy of COCOMO II model, this study examines the effect of the cost factor and scale factor in improving the accuracy of effort estimation. In this study, we initialized using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to optimize the parameters in a model of COCOMO II. The method proposed is implemented using the Turkish Software Industry dataset which has 12 data items. The method can handle improper and uncertain inputs efficiently, as well as improves the reliability of software effort. The experiment results by MMRE were 34.1939%, indicating better high accuracy and significantly minimizing error 698.9461% and 104.876%

    Skema Pemetaan Pemodelan UML dan Pemrograman Java

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    In fact Java is standard object orieneted programming language. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is in fact visual model standard in designing software object oriented. Java as object oriented programming language used applied model result using UML. Both have elements interpretation, so that can be gotten syncronisesion between some diagram in UML and java language fiture. This paper flatten map scheme like class diagram, sequential, component, and starchart to resource code srtucture in java. Map scheme evaluation test used simple model part, than made UML diagram required. This paper discuss strudtured approach in arousing java code from UML elements

    Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Untuk Workflow Pengelolaan Surat Menyurat Dinas Bagian Surat Masuk Di Kabupaten Buton Utara

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    Proses aliran surat masuk adalah proses yang penting di pemerintah kabupaten Buton Utara. Proses ini terdiri dari beberapa alur yang melalui proses pemeriksaan yang cukup panjang. Saat ini proses pengelolaan surat masuk di pemerintah Kabupaten Buton Utara masih menggunakan metode manual. Permasalahan – permasalahan seperti lambatnya proses disposisi dari pejabat berwenang, sulit untuk melacak surat dalam waktu cepat, dan hilangnya arsip surat menjadi alasan diperlukannya suatu sistem yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Perangkat lunak ini dirancang dengan metode pengembangan UPM (Unified Process Model). Metode penelitian pada tugas akhir ini dimulai dengan pengumpulan data-data pendukung, identifikasi masalah, analisis kebutuhan yang menghasilkan dokumen spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak (SKPL), membuat desain sistem dengan standar Unified Modelling Language (UML) yang menghasilkan dokumen deskripsi perancangan perangkat lunak (DPPL), dan dilanjutkan dengan fase pembangunan prototipe perangkat lunak. Hasil dari pengerjaan tugas akhir ini adalah rancangan dan perangkat lunak untuk pengelolaan surat menyurat dinas bagian surat masuk di pemerintah kabupaten Buton Utara dengan teknologi SMS Gateway sebagai dukungan terhadap proses pemeriksaan surat

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Web Informasi Eksekutif pada Pemerintah Kabupaten XYZ

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    Badan pemerintahan suatu daerah merupakan kumpulan dari berbagai dinas yang memiliki fungsinya masing – masing yang saling berkaitan satu dengan lainnya. Banyak sekali laporan yang dihasilkan oleh suatu wilayah pemerintahan selama satu tahun dan pihak Bupati harus dapat membaca laporan pertanggungjawaban tersebut sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan untuk membuat keputusan. Namun dengan banyaknya laporan pertanggungjawaban yang dihasilkan dari setiap dinas serta tidak ada teknologi informasi terintegrasi disetiap SKPD yang dapat mempermudah Bupati dalam membaca laporan tersebut, maka perlu waktu yang lama untuk membaca seluruh laporan tersebut dan membuat keputusan yang tepat. Maka dari itu diperlukan perangkat lunak yang dapat memberikan kumpulan informasi yang diperlukan oleh Bupati sehingga dapat membantu mengambil keputusan secara cepat tanpa harus membaca secara menyeluruh dari laporan pertanggungjawaban yang ada. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan pembangunan Aplikasi Web Informasi Eksekutif pada Pemerintah Kabupaten XYZ yang akan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode Extreme Programming. Metode ini  mendukung pola pengembangan yang iteratif dan inkremental sehingga proses pengembangan dapat dilakukan lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan dapat mengakomodasi adanya umpan balik maupun perubahan kebutuhan dari stakeholder yang terkait dengan Aplikasi Web Informasi Eksekutif pada Pemerintah Kabupaten XYZ ini


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    Share investation as one of alternative can be done in financial investation. For choosing shares with good prosfect can be done by fundamental analysis or technical analysis. A lot of shares available, and every investor has different criteria in choosing it. Often in doing investation activity, one investor using expert services. By using paradigm that according to more experts better than one expert, so in this research will be designed software that used more than one expert in choosing shares. Decision making by group using qualitative parameters as: best, good, enough, not good, bad, can be overcome by using Fuzzy Group Support System (FGSS) logical. From the test done can be concluded (i) This application able support in making decision process of choosing shares, eventhough every participan not beeing in the same place and time, where the result of group decision show in graphical form that easy be understood. (ii) FGSS enhance the result given using clustering method analysis. FGS better than cluster analysis that using FGSS, every partcipan can have different criteria and weighted crteria

    Optimizing Time and Effort Parameters of COCOMO II using Fuzzy Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Estimating the efforts, costs, and schedules of software projects is a frequent challenge to software development projects. A bad estimation will result in bad management of a project. Various models of estimation have been defined to complete this estimate. The Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II) is one of the most famous models as a model for estimating efforts, costs, and schedules. To estimate the effort, cost, and schedule in project of software, the COCOMO II uses inputs: Effort Multiplier (EM), Scale Factor (SF), and Source Line of Code (SLOC). Evidently, this model is still lack in terms of accuracy rates in both efforts estimated and time of development. In this paper, we introduced to use Gaussian Membership Function (GMF) of Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method to calibrate and optimize the parameters of COCOMO II. It is to achieve a new level of accuracy better on COCOMO II. The Nasa93 dataset is used to implement the method proposed. The experimental results of the method proposed have reduced the error downto 11.89% and 8.08% compared to the original COCOMO II. This method proposed has achieved better results than previous studies

    Penentuan Effort Rate pada Estimasi Effort Menggunakan Metode Use Case Point untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Website Kepemerintahan

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    Effort estimation using Use Case Point (UCP) method obtained from the multiplication of the UCP with the Effort Rate (ER). Some studies conclude that there is some value of ER used in the calculation of effort estimation. However, the most often used is the ER with value 20 man-hours given by Karner. Disputes about the research that is ER by Karner occurred in 1993, so it is possible that the ER by Karner not suitable when applied in the calculation of effort estimation for the project worked on in 2013 and the years to come. This study used 8 data of governance website software development projects. The data is used to calculate actual effort, making use case diagrams, and calculations UCP estimation. Further level of analysis that is performed correlation and regression equations for actual effort and the UCP estimation. Based on the regression equation then performed calculations tangent ? to produce the ER. From this research produced the ER as big as 5,178 man-hours. The ER is much smaller than the value given by Karner ER. Case is possible for several reasons, among others: 1) Enginering software technology that is growing rapidly. 2) Manufacturing website using components. 3) Source of the internet so complete

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Aplikasi Penjadwalan Perbaikan Kapal di CV. Bahtera Indah

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    The objective of scheduling minimize total time required for solving entire jobs and minimize mean time a job in the system. Factors that inluence in arranging ship reparation services schedule is: number variation, weight ship enlist, diference time initial time enlist, reparation time and dock time available. In this research analysis done to compare some methods application i.e. first come first serve, shortest processing time, and the longest processing time(LPT) with minimize makespan and mean flows time. Result test shows that LPT method is accurate method for CV Bahtera Indah because supporting company required is minimum makespan and mean flow time

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan VPS Secara Online di PT.Ternakblog

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    PT.Ternakblog adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa persewaan Virtual Private Server (VPS) baik untuk perusahaan ataupun perorangan. Pada perusahaan Ternakblog terdapat banyak sekali server yang dibagi dalam ratusan VPS.Pada saat ini, PT.Ternakblog menggunakan aplikasi WHMCS untuk mengatur proses bisnisnya. WHMCS telah menyediakan proses otomisasi untuk mengatur transaksi yang ada di perusahaan, tetapi WHMCS memiliki beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya adalah lisensi yang harus dibayar tiap bulan dan juga tidak adanya kemampuan untuk menyimpan data server, sehingga ketika ada client memesan VPS, pengiriman detail VPS akan dilakukan secara manual. Berlatar belakang tersebut, muncul sebuah ide untuk menutupi kelemahan tersebut dengan membuat sebuah aplikasi pemesanan VPS secara online. Perancangan aplikasi pemesanan VPS secara online ini menggunakan pendekatan metode Unified Process Model(UPM). Dan metode dalam pengerjaan aplikasi ini adalah melakukan studi literatur terlebih dahulu, survey lapangan, identifikasi masalah, analisa kebutuhan yang menghasilkan dokumen ReadySET, setelah itu dilakukan design aplikasi menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML), dan pada akhirnya dilakukan pembangunan perangkat lunak. Pembuatan aplikasi pemesanan vps secara online yang dilakukan ini dipergunakan untuk mempermudah proses bisnis di perusahaan. Aplikasi ini dapat menyimpan data-data VPS yang akan dikirimkan secara otomatis ketika ada pesanan, sehingga akan menciptakan efisiensi di perusahaan

    Effort Rate on Use Case Point Method For Effort Estimation of Website Development

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    The purpose of this research is to gain Effort Rate (ER) on the Use Case Point method (UCP) for estimating effort of the website development. The Effort estimation is an activity that is carried out to predict how amount of effort required to complete a software development project. Effort estimation is very important be know before the project is executed to determine how resources should be spent to complete the project. In this context, resources include the work hours and expenses. Commonly UCP was one of method used to estimate software development effort. The studies that have been conducted by several researchers carried out to estimate the regular software development. Until now, it is not found research using UCP to estimate effort for the website development project. The UCP that is used to estimate the effort of website development projects requires different ER from the ER for regular software project. Effort is obtained by multiplying the value of UCP and ER. The ER value proposed by some researchers varies between 18 to 36 staff-hours per UCP, while ER proposed by Karner was 20 staff-hours per UCP. The final results of this study obtain ER value of 4.41. This value is smaller than the value proposed earlier researchers. Decline of the ER values can decrease value of effort estimation, furthermore decline of value effort estimation will decrease resources that it will be required for software development. This may be due to the website development project which can use Content Management System (CMS) as component or framework that facilitate the development of a website project easier
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